Sunday, December 29, 2019

College Overnight Visits Why to Do One, What to Expect

An overnight stay can be invaluable to you in uncovering the true college culture hiding behind the glossy brochures and inspiring slogans. Its an important tool for helping you choose the perfect college. Heres why you should leave the nest and spend a night in college. 1. Youll Meet Current Students Who Dont Work for Admissions Tour guides, overnight hosts, and anyone else who has a standing relationship with Admissions got there because they adore their school and they want to spread the word, and they may be less inclined to talk critically about the college youre visiting. Thats not to say that theyre not being genuine: its likely that the college is just a great fit for them, so they dont have many downsides to discuss. But, before you make your decision (whether its to send an application or to send in your first deposit), its a good idea to have a more balanced concept of the school. Lucky for you, if you do an overnight visit, youll get to meet your hosts friends, roommates, and floormates. They wont all be the super enthusiastic cheerleader types when it comes to talking about their college experience. This is your chance to ask current students who arent part of the Admissions operation about what they like and what they dont like about their college experience. 2. Youll See What Campus Is Like on a Weeknight Youre going to spend more weeknights than weekend nights in college. An overnight visit is the perfect chance to find out what evenings at the college youre visiting are like. Youll get answers to questions that will help you gauge what kind of work-life balance current students have. Are people hanging out together? Are they studying intensely or casually or not at all? What kinds of events (speakers, performances, screenings, club meetings) happen on weeknights? You also have a good chance on an overnight visit to ask current students work-life questions, i.e. how many hours do you tend to study on weeknights? on weekends? Granted, quantity of work tends  to increase at certain times in the semester, but its still pretty telling if they all look up from behind a huge stack of library books and tell you in a frazzled tone that they never have any fun. 3. Youll Go to Classes, Sometimes with Your Host You can attend classes on most college campuses without doing an overnight visit, but for all you shrinking violets out there, if you do an overnight visit, you have the opportunity to accompany your host or your hosts friend to class (or you can strike out on your own, of course). Perk 1: when youre choosing classes to go visit, you can get your host and others to weigh in on their favorite professors or courses so that youll see the best teaching the college has to offer.Perk 2: when youre sitting with current students, they can show you their class materials so that youre not completely lost, and when its all done, they can give you an honest opinion of the professor as compared to other professors theyve had in the department.Perk 3: youll feel just a little bit more legitimate when youre under a current students wing. (Keep in mind that  college academics are very different from high school). 4. Youll Eat in a Dining Hall Surrounded by Current Students Colleges vary on whether or not they allow visitors to campus to eat in their dining halls. By doing an overnight visit, you are guaranteed to eat what the current students eat, and even better, youll eat it with them. Dinner after a long day of classes is a great way to see lots of current students interacting with each other, and for you to ask lots and lots of questions of your hosts friends. 5. Youll Live in the Dorms for a Night Most campus tours do include a visit to a dorm room, but sometimes Admissions is sneaky and sends tours to a particularly spacious new dorm, immaculately decorated, of course. An overnight visit is a good opportunity to see what living in a regular dorm is like--and to ask your host and his or her friends about the housing situation at the college. Its also useful to observe how people living on the same floor interact. Do they smile at each other and chat in the halls? Or is it clear that dorms are just a place to sleep? And most importantly, which do you prefer? 6. You Can Attend Club Meetings or Other Campus Events Lots of things happen on college campuses on weeknights, such as club meetings, lectures, performances, art openings, intramural sports, performance rehearsals. When youre with your host, ask questions about what things are going on that evening, and if anything strikes your fancy, see if you can arrange to go. Even if your host doesnt usually attend the meeting of your favorite organization ever or cant go to the performance you really want to see, they can usually find one of their friends whos involved or whos free, or you can go by yourself. Alternately, your host may have a meeting/performance/lecture he or she needs to attend, and even if youre not sure its your cup of tea, its not a bad idea to tag along--something might surprise you. 7. You Might Meet Your Future Classmates Are you overnighting during an on-campus program, like admitted students weekend or a spring preview event? Getting to know other high school seniors who are interested in or have been admitted to the same school as you can be a really fun experience. Its a great chance to meet people interested in similar things and to scope out who might be in the incoming class--in other words, your potential future classmates. Once youve run the gamut of predictable questions, Whats your name? Where are you from? Where else did you apply? What do you want to study? What are your interests? you can sit back, chat, and attend events with your little-while friend. Who knows? Maybe youll both end up back on the same campus come September and can reconnect then. 8. You Can Do a Better Job of Imagining Yourself There For many people, deciding where they want to go to college all comes down to fit, i.e. whether or not the college has the combination of academic programs, extracurricular opportunities, community support, location, and social scene that theyre looking for. Some of these variables are easy to figure out--just visit the colleges website or take a campus tour and youll get a laundry list of the colleges academic and residential programs, information about its location, and a catalogue of its student organizations. But surfing the web and even taking a tour wont help you figure out what a class discussion in an area of your academic interest is like, and it wont tell you how you fit into a standard evening hanging out with friends in the dorms. At the bottom of it all, thats the real value of doing an overnight visit: youll experience a day-in-the-life at the college youre considering, which means that youll be better equipped to accurately envision yourself spending the next four years of your life there.   What to Expect During a College Overnight Visit You might be looking forward to the overnight visit, or dreading it. Some students think their parents are being cruel to drop them off for this insiders look at the college they are considering. Here is a hypothetical college visit to show you it can be painless and worthwhile. The Meeting: the Slightly-Awkward-But-Still-Fun Part Late in the afternoon on the fateful visit day, you  arrive at the Admissions Office and check in with the receptionist, and meet your campus tour guide and overnight host. Your host is probably only a few years older than you. Your host has probably been up late getting ahead on homework and cleaning the dorm room where youll be sleeping on the floor tonight. Your host greets you and your parent and explains that you’ll be all finished with your overnight at about lunchtime tomorrow. Youll walk out of the Admissions Office and chat a bit about your trip to campus and whether or not you’ve been here before. Your host will play tour guide a bit as you pass through the center of campus. Youll arrive at the residence hall and go upstairs to the room. Youll deposit your bag and now begins your first real conversation with your host. The first question will probably be whether or not you’d like an informal, personalized tour of the campus before dinner. This is the time to get to know each other. Expect lots of questions about your academic interests, the things you do for fun, and your high school; you’re hopefully going to ask me lots of questions about my academic, extracurricular, and social experiences at this college that you’re considering. This is the time for you to ask your host the fun questions (Why do you love it here? What’s your best memory of your first year?) but also the hard ones (What’s your biggest complaint about the classes? Does literally everyone get drunk here every Friday night? Are people really judge-y?). Ask your host the things that you’re afraid to ask anywhere else. The Evening: the All-In-Good-Fun Part Youll likely soon meet your hosts friends in the residence hall as dinner time approaches. You will all troop to the dining hall, where you learn that college life revolves around food and not much else. Youll eat with your host and his or her friends. You can learn their names, majors, and other college student vital stats such as why they chose this school. Dinner is your chance to see the college community in action and observe many other groups, lounging around their own tables for a post-dinner chat, and maybe to envision yourself doing exactly that in a year or so. Listen to what they talk about; listen when they complain. You’ll find your insider perspective hiding in the little things. For the rest of the evening, you have options. Option A: Your host needs some study time. You go to the library/campus cafe/study room/residence hall room to work for a bit.Option B: Go to a performance, organization meeting, lecture or another campus event.Option C: Stay in and hang out or watch a movie or get silly on the internet with the friends. After Options A, B, or C, you probably go for a walk downtown, maybe go have ice cream in the necessary college town frozen treats joint. Then you come back, arrange your air mattress, brush our teeth, and turn in for the night. The Morning: the Nerd-tastic Fun Part In practice for your upcoming year with a roommate, you and your host will have to negotiate showering, primping, and changing clothes. Youll grab a quick breakfast and then head off towards class. You may have elected to go with your host to his or her first class or taken one of the friends up on their offer to take you to their morning class, or you may have decided to strike out on your own. If you go to class by yourself, please introduce yourself to the professor beforehand. Youll have the chance to talk to a real, live college professor in a subject area that interests you. Plus, they wont wonder who the random new person is in their class or call on you for an answer. The Goodbye After class, youll meet up with your host and go to lunch. You can ask your last hard-hitting  questions. Then youll collect your bag from the room and trudge back to the Admissions Office. Your host will hope you enjoyed your stay and tell you to send an email or text if you have any more questions. Make the Most of College Visits5 Questions to Ask Your Campus Tour GuideSmall College or Large University?

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Pixar s Organizational Structure Of Pixar Essay - 1405 Words

Pixar is a company that has ties to other major corporations in our American culture. Pixar Animation Studios started as a part of the Lucas film computer group, which is owned by George Lucas the creator of Star Wars. However, after receiving funding from Steve Jobs the division became its own corporation in 1986. After that Disney purchased Pixar, which allowed Steve Jobs to become a shareholder in Disney also. With these changes due to the ownership of the corporation an analysis of managerial economics is overdue. What follows is an evaluate how Pixar attains balance between culture, rewards, and boundaries, what is Pixar’s organizational structure and why they have the structure they have, how Pixar’s leadership helps to create an ethical organization, how Pixar’s innovation helps the organization to accomplish its goals, how emotional intelligence helps the leadership guide the company, and how Pixar has overcome barriers to change. Pixar’s history h as presented the firm with challenges and the firm has managed to overcome those challenges, anyone who plans to one day own their own business should look at the company and understand how the firm accomplished their tasks despite the presented challenges. The merger with Disney resulted in some problems for Pixar, but the merger was pursued for a reason. By merging, both firm have the potential to save time and money; there is also the potential to learn from each other. With being created in one corporation, becomingShow MoreRelatedCreative Talent And Risk Of Pixar1191 Words   |  5 PagesFormer CTO and current President of Pixar, Edwin Catmull, describes in his article How Pixar Fosters Collective Creativity of 2008 the numerous aspects used at the pioneer of computer animation for structuring and operating a creative organization. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Specific Actions To Reduce The National Debt free essay sample

Essay, Research Paper . Introduction Did you know that the last clip the United States of America spent within their budget was 1969. Since so, our state has spent more money each twelvemonth than it has collected in grosss. The difference, the money that must be borrowed to bridge this spread yearly, is called the budget shortage. The sum of money over the usage over the old ages to finance our shortage is know as the National Debt. The National Debt additions by about one billion dollars every working twenty-four hours. Our debt presently stands at about $ 6 trillion. That enormous figure interruptions down to approximately $ 50,000 of debt per American household and over $ 20,000 of debt for every adult male, adult female, and kid in the United States. What will it take to acquire rid of this debt? Through out the old ages many different proposals have been suggested. Some have been extremist while others have been more conservative. It is no surprise that most people do non even blink when they hear these enormous debt figures. Most Americans have merely closed their eyes and ears when hearing and reading about this job. However, larning more about the debt and the shortage is to our benefit because it will impact how we live our lives today and in the hereafter. This term paper will analyze what changes the authorities can make to cut down the national debt and shortage and the effects that will ensue if the job is non addressed. II. Body The causes of the debt A. The national debt is like a recognition card measure When I think of the national debt quandary in the United States I get reminded of a immature individual who gets a recognition card. This individual gets truly aroused and starts passing money everyplace. He does non care what he buys, he goes put shopping bargains everything he wants and even treats all of his friends. After all he can pay for it subsequently, right. Well, shortly after he gets his recognition card the measure arrives. And he can non believe the sum. However, he notices a small note at the bottom noting that the minimal sum due is $ 20. The child gets truly happy and tells himself he knew he did non necessitate to worry. However he did non read the portion that said there was 25 % monthly involvement charge and a $ 15 monthly finance charge. Paying with merely the minimal balance would take old ages to pay off the debt non to advert all the added cost he would hold to pay in involvement. . That individuals frivolous usage of the recognition card has led him to fisca l catastrophe. That brainsick adolescent with a recognition card can be seen as the United States who went all out at the beginning of his recognition history and ended holding to pay a enormous sum of money. B. Wars The roots of the National Debt can be traced back to the United States engagement in warfare. Throughout the history of the United States we have been involved in more so a smattering of wars. The United States besides acted as a large brother and aided states with both military aid and fiscal aid. Where did the United States get money to assist all these states? They borrowed money, of class. They increased our National debt. C. Governments hapless societal plans and munificent life style Assorted disbursement policies have contributed to our current shortage and debt jobs. For illustration much of the waste that the United States is accounted for comes in the signifier of subsidies and lop sided fiscal understandings. The authorities spends one million millions subsidising husbandmans by forgiving one million millions in loans, purchasing 100s of 1000000s of lbs of honey to shore up up commercial bee keepers, paying the electrical measures for casinos in Las Vegas, fabricating fertiliser, bring forthing He for military intents, purchasing land at good over the markets value, selling off immense office composites it seized as par of the S A ; L bailout at price reduction monetary values, and watering the farm land of multimillionaires in Central California. Were you besides aware that the # 8220 ; public assistance plan costs taxpayers $ 300 billion dollars a twelvemonth, but if the authorities wrote one-year cheques of $ 14,700 to all 7.7 million hapless households in the United States, it would be merely 113 billion dollars a year. # 8221 ; Another country of waste in the authorities is its munificent life style. The mean American would demo disgust if they knew about the private aeroplanes, limousines, wellness nines, and particularly retirement benefits that Washington functionaries have entree to. The list of unreasonable outgos that the United States authorities is eternal. Take for case the fact that # 8220 ; the authorities has spent over $ 3 billion in some old ages in ornaments # 8221 ; is genuinely hideous. The authorities besides uses 1000000s of dollars every twelvemonth to pay for parties! These are merely a sample of the things that authorities uses our revenue enhancement dollars to pay for. There are many other outgos that our authorities rather merely can make without. However, they choose to merely add it on to our national debt. D. Consequences of being in shortage There are some effects of holding a shortage. The most obvious would be that it increases the national debt. Higher debt causes higher involvement disbursals, doing it much harder to equilibrate the budget the following twelvemonth. Higher debt whether we like it or non finally forces higher revenue enhancements, cutbacks in federal disbursement or both. Higher debt causes bigger drains on the American economic system to pay involvement to people and establishments in other states. Defects tend to besides drive up involvement rates. Higher involvement rates moves private money from those that do non hold that much to those who have the most. From immature to old and from hapless and in-between category to rich. Higher involvement rates besides discourage the concern investing needed for economic growing. Higher involvement rates encourage aliens to allow us borrow money, doing the dollar more valuable, which worsens our balance of trade and costs Americans their occupations. As you c an see being in debt does hold harmful effects on everyone. Something has to be done, everyone must give a small right now to derive more subsequently. E. What can the authorities do to cut down the debt As mentioned before the United States does non look for the most economic ways to run the authorities. Inefficiency abounds in about every governmental operation. Waste and inefficiency are everyplace in authorities. Rather so ignoring of inordinate authorities disbursement, the authorities can repair it by placing and extinguishing waste and efficiency. The United States authorities must halt and smell the java. Year after twelvemonth they have pulled strings to make loopholes to purportedly equilibrate the budget. Moves like numbering the societal security grosss as excess, and over gauging grosss for the following financial twelvemonth, and pull stringsing payments day of the months to the convenience of the authorities have created even greater defects every twelvemonth. If the United States keeps on making this they will merely be gulling themselves. They might do things better in the short tally but in the long tally it will merely make more economic instability. They must halt running up a check and If the authorities want to equilibrate the budget and cut down the debt it must foremost analyse its major disbursement outgos. The most obvious would be the national defence. The national defence histories for more than 1/4 of the one-year budget. Yes, you read right 1/4! If anything is traveling to be done it must first get down out here. The authorities seems to prefer to be more of a macho hero than to assist out it # 8217 ; s people. Quite frankly holding such a large per centum off money allocated for defence is non necessary. For case if the United States authorities sacrificed merely a little more on military research and development, extinguish some types of tactical combatants and choppers, bound disbursement for support equipment such as trucks, office equipment, and preparation devices, or cancel Army arms that may be unneeded or uneffective it would salvage about $ 10 billion. Another country that could utilize alteration is the economic assistance that the Unites State provides Alliess and friends. The United States must halt moving like a large brother and halt assisting themselves. If merely one half of foreign assistance was cut in half it would salvage revenue enhancement remunerators $ 9 billion. Medicare is besides a dearly-won outgo in the federal budget. If new cost control steps were imposed to individuals with household incomes of over $ 35,000, Medicare would salvage $ 10 billion. Reorganizing aid to the hapless would besides salvage the authorities alot of money. For case it can re-evaluate who can and can non acquire authorities aid. An illustration of a proposed decrease could be that public assistance be merely given to people who are physically incapable of working. This would salvage an estimated $ 25 billion yearly The federal authorities provides over $ 100 billion a twelvemonth to province and local authorities. If the United States authorities were to extinguish undertakings with chiefly local impacts, such as local economic development and money to run local coach and subway systems it would salvage $ 20 billion dollars. It is true that everybody hates to hear about revenue enhancements. However, if the shortage and national debt are traveling to be reduced they must besides play an of import function. For case if the gross revenues revenue enhancement in every province was increased by merely one per centum it would add $ 15 billion to pay for the debt. Another option would be to # 8220 ; freezing # 8221 ; authorities disbursement. This does non intend to halt authorities disbursement wholly, but merely to non increase it any farther. As you have read it is possible to cut down the authorities debt. However, the authorities must first cognize that we care. F. What you can make to cut down the national debt So frequently when we hear of economic jobs and authorities determinations, we close our eyes and ears. Our vision is confined to our little, private universes. We tend to take the attitude that we can make nil about it. The antonym is closer to the truth. There is about nil you can non make. Make non of all time bury that we live in a democratic society that depends on our engagement. The solutions to our jobs are non in the authoritiess custodies but in our custodies. We must foremost be cognizant of what the job is. We need to understand the badness of a debt of $ 6 trillion. We must be informed about the hidden debts that our authorities does non readily unwrap us of. And we must be educated about how we pay the debt through revenue enhancements and rising prices in our day-to-day lives. We must back up our local congresswoman and senators. They will listen to our counsel if we offer it. After all they depend on electors ballots to remain in office. We must allow them cognize we care how they spend our money. The authoritiess instinct is to pass, neer to salvage. We need to administrate daze intervention to our elected representatives through letters. Many times a few letters will hold a great affect on the base a congresswoman will take and so subsequently ballot. We should show them an sentiment on specific budget-cutting options, so we can supply some input on some picks we might prefer. Another thing you can make is fall in with others. Organizations already exist that address the issue of diminishing the national debt from a assortment of political positions. III. Decision This paper has examined the roots of the current debt and shortage, analyzed the disbursement policies which have contributed to the job, and discussed some of the solutions that the authorities can take and that you can take to cut down the national debt. With the fact presented it is clear that the national debt can be reduced. It will take planning and forfeit in the portion of everyone. Failure to take these actions will merely prorogue our authoritiess need to come face to face with its wont of disbursement money which it does non hold. If this is non taken earnestly already serious economic and societal jobs will neer solved, and will merely do things worse for our hereafter generati