Saturday, May 16, 2020

Persuasive Essay On Legalization Of Marijuana - 1096 Words

The legalization of marijuana has been debated to be a harmful substance for so long. Marijuana is a drug that is always being talked about all over the media. There is constant debate on whether it should be legalized or not. Its also, debated on if it were to be legalized, how would it would affect society. All these questions are things the government takes into account every day. There is a big divide between people’s beliefs on this matter. Some people think it should be, others think it shouldn’t, and some think it should be with some modifications on the usage. When you look at the benefits, there is no question that marijuana should be legal throughout the entire country. There are way more positive things that could come out of†¦show more content†¦Marijuana in many cases could be sold from dealers who also sell hard drugs. Therefore, if marijuana was legal and sold in a store in the correct way, it would help kids stay away from other drugs that deale rs have to offer. Also, it would stop kids from getting into the drug dealing business. They would have fewer motives to sell to their friends and other people. If the policy was changed and it could be sold in stores it would stop kids from selling all together. Being a dealer would be way less effective and it could stop many drug dealers and clean up the streets. Marijuana is going to be sold either way, so it might as well be sold legally. If the policy was changed and it was sold legally it would keep kids out of danger and make it harder to be a drug dealer. Another very good reason to legalize marijuana is how much it could save our government money, and maybe even make money out of it. Marijuana is very hard on our justice system financially. If the policy was changed and it was legalized it could be taxed and used for government funding. It has been studied and many studies show that weed could create very good revenue . Not only can legal marijuana help make money but it can also help out the justice system a lot. Over 750,000 people are arrested for marijuana a year. This number is crazy if you think about the danger level of marijuana.Show MoreRelatedLegalizing Marijuana1592 Words   |  7 Pagesdisobey unjust laws. Martin Luther King Jr. Many people ask â€Å"why should marijuana be legalized†? when the real question that we should be asking is â€Å"why shouldn’t marijuana be legalized†?. Marijuana also known as hemp is a naturally grown plant that has been around for decades dating back to around 2697 B.C., when the Egyptians would use it to cure many common ailments, and the Chinese would use it for therapeutics. Using marijuana not only to cure common illnesses but for your pleasure as well shouldRead MoreEnglish 1A Essay 3 1 3 1624 Words   |  7 Pagesapproved by me, and any papers with topics not approved by me will receive an â€Å"F†; (2) No one may write about abortion  or  the legalization of marijuana; and (3) Your essay must be persuasive. Also, for this essay, you will need to find and use  four (4) outside sources, at least two of which must be from the databases. These must all be academically serious sources and used in your essay so that they must be cited according to MLA guidelines. You can use quotes, statistics, and summaries or paraphrases ofRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words   |  319 Pagesprior to his passing in 1975 and after. Many believe that Selassie was a dictator and a cruel leader. That he is regarded as God incarnate seems patently absurd. 4. It is not clear whether Selassie believed himself to be a God. 5. For Rastas, marijuana, which is illegal in Jamaica, is a sacrament for worship. 6. Rastas regard western society as part of Babylon—a system and a place that is the enemy of the blacks of the world. FOREWORD ix 7. There is still no organized set of doctrines

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